Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of the May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
Health Services Center, Pilgrim Place
Attendance: John Forney, President, Carol Whitson, Gar Byrum, Ivan Light and Carolee Monroe.
Agenda: added was Ted Panzer observation.
Approval (MSA Carol Whitson/Ivan Light) the Minutes of the Executive Board meeting of April 15, 2017 were unanimously approved. The Minutes of the April 24, 2017 Members meeting were accepted.
President: John shared the qualifications of Steve Rohde, Monday's speaker; Debi Evans will try to schedule Mike Levin, a candidate for CA CD 49.
Treasurer: Carol Whitson distributed copies of a YTD Transaction form, noting the current balance of $3205.86; the lawsuit money will soon be released from our attorney's firm.
VP - Education: Gar gave an update of programs until our summer recess. He is working on post-summer scheduling. (See below for club events.)
Voorhis Voice contents - June articles will include John's commentary, Debi's report about the Democratic State Convention, Ivan's description of the Issa Tracking group's project, Gar's review of Steve Rohde's talk and Carolee's update of the CHS Young Democrats Club election and of July 4th needs.
Issa Tracking Update: After a discussion and determination to focus solely on Darrel Issa, the group hopes to set up an alliance with a sister club in Orange County and help it, especially by providing data for its' use. Gar agreed to join the group. (See Levin in President's report above.)
CHS Young Democrats Club Update: Carolee told of the recent election of club officers for the 2017-18 school year.
New Business
July 4th booth and parade: Plans were made for decorations and messaging. Village Venture booth: Possible swag was discussed; Carolee will look into it. Resistance Summer: Carolee wills submit an application and report on actions. Ted Panzer: The appointed members of the Executive Board have the right to vote.
May 22 Monday members meeting 7 PM Napier - Steve Rohde, lawyer, author and activist; Debi Evans will report on the CA Democratic State convention.June 9 Friday luncheon noon Darvish - Peter Dreier, "Trump and SoCal Political Issues"June 26 Monday members meeting 7 PM Napier - Nathan Tenney "Indivisible Claremont"
June 4 Celebration of Pentecostal Sunday, St. Ambrose Church - John Forney and a rabbi who was at Standing Rock will speak
Adjourn: 10:45 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Carolee Monroe