Free Alternatives To Gmail For Business Email
What free alternatives are there to Professional email with Gmail apps (now known as G Suite)?
Gmail's excellent G Suite business email is by my estimate, the best email system available for businesses. Based on support, features, reliability, and availability on every device. The one place they cannot compete is pricing vs free solutions and for some of my clients this is a big one. To be fair, of the business email solutions available, google offers the best value and options. Of course, gmail also offers free gmail email accounts. The only issue with this, is your email reads as From a branding perspective, this has a few issues. First, you miss out on passively advertising your website with every email. A branded email tells your clients your official website. Second, it says that you have not reached a professional level or worse, that you may be a temporary business.
So, if you have an aversion to Google, or just want to avoid paying for business class email, what are your options? I did a bit of research and here is what I found.

Free business email solutions ZOHO is FREE. That's right, free! What People Like: At the time of this post, ZOHO offers up to 5GB of storage space and up to 25 unique email addresses which is perfect for a growing small business. What People Do Not Like: No support - this is a MAJOR issue, as there is nowhere to turn if you experience an interruption with your critical email service. Reliability issues - ZOHO, when compared to Google Apps, isn't seamless and as such isn't a reliable choice as business email really does need to be 24/7 with support on hand.
Here is an article on switching from the googleverse to other alternatives. This article is a bit dated, but offers some current contenders.
Thus far, I still lean toward G Suite pay solution as the best way to have a reliable business email for myself and my clients.
Do you have experience using zoho or another professional email service? Please comment and lets discuss!